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heart attack age

jesse: i don't know, i don't think so. jeffery, sr.: 'cause somebody's at the gate! you sure you don't have nobody coming over?! jesse: no. is it jeffery? maybe he's coming back to get some stuff or some shit. jeffery, sr.: i'll take care of this bullshit!

heart attack age

heart attack age, jesse: okay, alright you don't want to do that. it could be one of the juggies or something. jesse: could you not?jeffery, sr.: this shit ain't happening, i'm telling you. if these freaks are coming to our house... jesse: dad, okay! let me just go deal with it!

jeffery, sr.: you deal with it! jesse: okay! i'll be like, "don't fucking come here!" what the fuck was that? shit, man. at least tom's gettin' fucking lit up for the soul light. (car honk) jesse: fuck! uncle chris: open the fuckin' gate! jesse: who the hell is that?

uncle chris: what the frick, yum-yum?!? jesse: ah, jesus christ! uncle chris: what the fuck?! open the goddamn gate! the fuck's with the flashlight? jesse: i want to talk to you, sir. uncle chris: what the fuck's up, man? jesse: you gonna fucking dime me out to my dad? telling him that i quit the job? uncle chris: i didn't fucking dime you out. he called--

jesse: really?? uncle chris: --he fucking called me! jesse: really? uncle chris: yeah, really. jesse: 'cause he told me that you called him and you said you weren't going to do that! uncle chris: --some position or shit? i didn't fucking call him! i told ya i ain't gonna fucking call him! jesse: so what? he's just lying then? uncle chris: ph-yeah! jesse: why would he lie about something like that?

uncle chris: why would he? why would he fucking lie? jesse: you realize you telling him that i quit just started this whole fucking thing? uncle chris: listen, jackass! i didn't fucking call him, he called me, you're walking the fuck around here all day. what's he to think? he calls me. and that's what i told ya, i ain't lying for ya. let's go the fuck in there, we'll get it straightened the fuck out! i ain't afraid of him! jesse: why the hell are you even here? i told anita you could just call me. uncle chris: anita fucking told me you were looking for me, when this shit worked out. she said you were all stressed the fuck out. jesse: yeah, cause some...some shit. it's been happening...

uncle chris: well, let's get the fuck in there, and-- jesse: no, like, you don't even know! like, you have no fucking idea! when you told him that i quit, he fucking...he destroyed that whole entire room that was in the morton building. uncle chris: that bag of shit fucking playroom you had in there? jesse: bag of shit?!? i had built that from scratch! me and my friends and my uncle, and that was everything to me! uncle chris: --the fuck outta there anyway, you could get his equipment the fuck in there! jesse: wow, okay! do you know what else he did? maybe make something? uncle chris: no i don't. jesse: you're just a fucking harmless bastard.

he even...i-i ran away from home, 'cause i had just fed up with it, 'cause i was just trying to youtube and stuff, and do livestreaming. uncle chris: i saved you that fucking money! i told you to get the fuck out of that house! jesse: yeah, and i put it to good use. i've put it to giveaway consoles, for a-- uncle chris: giveaway? jesse: yeah, for my people! to start--to spark the channel! uncle chris: so, you got money, and you give it the fuck away! jesse: yeah, and that creates more viewers! anyway, that's not the fucking point! uncle chris: whatever, whatever! jesse: i ran away, and i was living in his trailer. and he comes and destroys it! and it was uncle larry's trailer!

he just--i-- uncle chris: he destroyed uncle larry's trailer? jesse: i was living in it for a couple of weeks!uncle chris: get the fuckin' camera out of my face with that goddamn light! jesse: and he just comes with his backhole, and just starts clawing the shit out of it! uncle chris: what the fuck? jesse: you don't know what the--the kind of shit you caused! uncle chris: that's--that's private property! jesse: you told me you were going to lie! uncle chris: i didn't say i'd lie, i told you i wouldn't lie for you. i told ya i wouldn't go out of my way to--

jesse: well i wish you fucking did! uncle chris: open that fucking gate and let me the fuck in there! jesse: why should i? uncle chris: well fuck it then, i'll leave! you want me to straighten it out with your old man or what? we'll see who fucking calls! jesse: straighten out like, like you're on my side? uncle chris: get me the fuck in there! he ain't fucking throwing me under the fucking bus! let me the fuck in! jesse: alright. i'm not giving you the code, but i'll...

uncle chris: i don't want your fucking code! jesse: alright. alright. you gotta wait for it to open all the way. alright, just, oh!!! (car screeches) jesse: wow. jeez, wow. that was just, so fucking unnecessary.

he needs that kind of horse bound of character for his fatass. jesus christmas. i didn't know he was coming here. strange that it's, the hell does that mean? i'm not looking--i'm not looking for another fight, i'm telling you right now. who gives a...oh god... i could've gone my whole life without seeing uncle chris again, it's like... and don't call me yum-yum again! uncle chris: huh? jesse: i said don't call me yum-yum again. uncle chris: fuck you and your yum-yum. let's go in there and straighten your old man's ass out. come on!

jesse: i like...i like the sound of that actually. uncle chris: what's that? jesse: i said i like the sound of that. uncle chris: well, let's go! (uncle chris mumbling under his breath) jesse: the fuck he just say? he talks a lot of shit. he eats a lot of shit too. uncle chris: where the fuck's he at?

jesse: well he was in the living room. uncle chris: jeff! hey jeff! jeffery, sr.: what? (door slam) uncle chris: what do you mean what? jeffery, sr.: the hell are you doing here? it's like freaking 10:00! uncle chris: i know! this numb nut here, he went over to anita's...to look for me at the farm.

she tells me he's all fuck stressed out, because you-- jeffery, sr.: what the hell would he go there? uncle chris: because he doesn't trust me now. he had a little trust built into it. but he doesn't have it now because you threw my fat ass under the bus! jeffery, sr.: about what? i have no idea what the hell you're talking about! what phonecall?!? uncle chris: the phonecall-- jesse: when i quit, dad! uncle chris: he fucking-- jeffery, sr.: when you quit, what's that got to do with me?

jesse: you said that he had called you. uncle chris: three weeks ago, i promised him i wouldn't call you. and i didn't call you! i didn't call you! jeffery, sr.: what're you getting at? i have no idea what the hell you're talking about! jesse: did you call him? or did he call you? uncle chris: answer the boy with the truth! uncle chris: answer the boy-- jeffery, sr.: what? i-i-i gotta know which...what are you talking about? why call? jesse: when i quit the job at the farm... jeffery, sr.: right!

jesse: ...you came into the fucking demolished room and said that he called you about it! jeffery, sr.: i called him, and then he told me about you! uncle chris: wuala! jesse: well then, why did you...what did you stay? why did you-- jeffery, sr.: it doesn't matter! uncle chris: it does matter! jeffery, sr.: i called, he told me you quit! uncle chris: just relax a moment. it does matter.

jeffer, sr.: what do you mean relax?!? uncle chris: relax! jeffery, sr.: you got, i-- --you quit! and he come in here, what the hell am i supposed to be? uncle chris: hey listen, i'm here to make sure you-- jeffery, sr.: yeah, but what the hell? why didn't you call? uncle chris: because he trusts me. and when he left, i promised him that i wouldn't-- jeffery, sr.: this is not that big of a deal!

uncle chris: it does! it matters to me! jesse: he told me, he told me one thing and it ends up being the other. so i want to know the truth! jeffery, sr.: listen to me! he--he--if, if he called me or if i called him, he still said you quit your fucking job! uncle chris: but i didn't go out of my way to tell you and that's why i promised! jeffer, sr.: but that doesn't really matter! either way, it came out! uncle chris: --threw me under the bus! jesse: he was covering for me, dad! uncle chris: you threw me under the fucking bus!jesse: he was covering for me. and he's serious--

jeffery, sr.: i'm not taking both your shit! come on, let's go outside and talk! uncle chris: get the fuck out of the way. jesse: i mean, it's very much about me! i'm just-- jeffery, sr. shut up! would ya?!? jesse: i am part of it!jeffery, sr.: you're just gonna start more shit, aren't ya? jesse: why do you want to talk outside? jeffery, sr.: because! jesse: we all can talk about this!jeffery, sr.: just stay the hell in there!

stay in here! stay in here! jesse: i'm a man too, i can talk! alright! i can hear you from here! (jeffery, sr. and uncle chris arguing outside) jesse: yes you did! yes you did, dad! you fucking thew him-- jeffery, sr.: go, get out!

jesse: i can still hear you guys! jeffery, sr.: get out! jesse: i know what imma do. we'll sneak around the door and the fence. uncle chris: whatever respect-- but for whatever respect, that he had with me. i got some trust i think at the end with him. i think i maybe can help you! jeffery, sr.: he quit his job! uncle chris: he ain't working at the job that don't matter!

jeffery, sr.: i told you that though! i told you from the beginning! the manipulation-- uncle chris: you ain't ever gonna listen! jeffery, sr.: --everybody there! uncle chris: you aren't never going to get it through your fucking head! jeffery, sr.: what do you mean? uncle chris: he don't wanna--he don't wanna do all this shit you want him to do!jeffery, sr.: i know he doesn't want to do all that! uncle chris: well then, why are you forcing him?!? jeffery, sr.: i want him to have a regular job and do that on the side! uncle chris: could he pay you fucking rent?

jeffery, sr.: no, he won't pay me any rent! uncle chris: i didn't ask you if he did! i asked you, could he? does he have the-- jesse: and i have! and i have! --i paid him rent for months!jeffery, sr.: what are you doing? jesus! jesse: and then he took the $30,000, that was-- jeffery, sr.: and that was for me because i've been in your videos! uncle chris: listen! get away from him! jeffery, sr.: now get back in the freaking house! uncle chris: listen!

jesse: he's talking about me! how about i just don't say a word? jeffery, sr.: right, that would be nice! uncle chris: did you sh--did you shoot the xbox? jeffery, sr.: i may have! uncle chris: you took a fire on it and shot the xbox! jeffery, sr.: i may have. uncle chris: did you take--tear down that fucking room when he was in it? jeffery, sr.: uh, that was a deal we had! uncle chris: i ain't totally off base on it--

jeffery, sr.: he lied and he quit his job! so i tore the goddamn thing down! jesse: everything that i wanted-- uncle chris: and did you tear up-- --the last one! did you tear larry's trailer down? did you ta-- jeffery, sr. oh yeah, i did that too! uncle chris: yeah. and you're proud of that? jeffery, sr.: oh yeah, i'm very proud of it. uncle chris: you're an...you're an ass!

jeffery, sr.: okay, and did he have permission? did he have permission? no! uncle chris: i don't know if he had permission! jeffery, sr.: yeah, he had to do all this shit! ask him! uncle chris: was it larry's trailer? jeffery, sr.: did he have permission? jesse: what? that i had-- jesse: yes! uncle chris: did he--did uncle larry tell you the piece of shit larry tell you, you can have it?

jesse: yeah, i can--i can use it! it wasn't mine!jeffery, sr.: did you have permission from the owners of the property to put it there? jesse: no! jeffery, sr.: right! see? uncle chris: what if it was mine? what if it was mine? jeffery, sr.: you wouldn't have put it there, would you? uncle chris: i wouldn't have put it there, no! jeffery, sr.: thank you! uncle chris: but still...listen! you would've did that to me!

jeffery, sr.: i would've-- uncle chris: after all the shit i've done for you, and-- jeffery, sr.: those property of the-- uncle chris: oh i don't stinkin' give a rat's ass! jesse: you would've destroyed uncle chris's trailer? jeffery, sr.: he was in there stealing-- uncle chris: you would've destroyed my shit! you would've destroyed all my shit! jeffery, sr.: i would've taken care of him! uncle chris: i took this piece of turd, something son of yours and took him out --

jeffery, sr.: and what happened? he quit his job! uncle chris: he quit the job! jeffery, sr.: 'cause you couldn't lead him! uncle chris: what? jeffery, sr.: i asked you to, and you couldn't lead him! uncle chris: i could lead him! jesse: he already did just fine! he was a good boss! jeffery, sr.: and what happened? uncle chris: it went back right to the fucking normal shit!

jeffery, sr.: so now do you think what i-- uncle chris: you know what the problem is? is this fucking camera! jeffery, sr.: oh, have i-- jesse: that's not the problem! no, that's a thing that i need! uncle chris: shut the fuck up! jeffery, sr.: yeah, stay out of it! uncle chris: listen, listen! the problem is the camera, the solution is the fucking camera! jeffery, sr.: then why can't he do both? get a job, and then do the camera!

jesse: nope! no! uncle chris: do the fucking--let him do it! he earned enough money to pay for that piece of shit truck that he fucking ruined! jesse: exactly. uncle chris: he can pay you fucking rent! jeffery, sr.: oh could he? uncle chris: if--if he can generate fucking income off of that motherfucker-- jeffery, sr.: then why is he still in your-- uncle chris: why do you care?!?!? jeffery, sr.: --generate all of this income--

uncle chris: why-why-why do you fucking care?!? jeffery, sr.: calm down, you're going to have a fucking heart attack age! jesse: i won't--i won't be here for much longer. uncle chris: but why do you-- jesse: and i'll show you that. and i'll prove you that. and i tried to move out.jeffery, sr.: but you're always coming back! uncle chris: why do you-- jesse: you wanted me here! uncle chris: if he's making a living that you want him to make, why can't he make it off of that? jeffery, sr.: did he tell you he's making a living? did he show you?

jesse: what's so wrong with what i'm doing? uncle chris: --fucking come down and then-- jeffery, sr.: i want you to have both! jesse: i'm making money! i'm making money, dad! uncle chris: he wrote a check for 5 grand! he wrote a fucking check for 5 grand! that was three weeks ago. it ain't come back or fucking warrior would've been on my fucking ass! jeffery, sr.: okay, he can write a check for 5 grand! big fucking deal! does that make you buy a house? uncle chris: you can't do that, fucking mowing lawns in three weeks! jeffery, sr.: i can!

uncle chris: you can? jeffery, sr.: what do you think this is? right! uncle chris: i don't know! jeffery, sr.: see? uncle chris: but you're doing better-- jeffery, sr.: always listening to his shit! uncle chris: but is he going to work for you? jeffery, sr.: i've offered it many times!

uncle chris: if he's going to--if he worked-- jeffery, sr.: i told him he could! uncle chris: could he make that money working for you? jeffer, sr.: no, because i'm the owner! uncle chris: no! jeffery, sr.: i gotta make the portion! jesse: what's so bad about what i do? jeffery, sr.: then how come you didn't stay at an apartment? uncle chris: listen, if he can make your money doing that, doing what he loves, why isn't he doing it?

jeffery, sr. i don't know! why don't you ask him? why don't you ask him? uncle chris: because of you! you're putting your thumb on him! jeffery, sr.: yeah, that's right! that's the-- uncle chris: he's 23 years old! jeffery, sr.: that's the only way he'd learn! uncle chris: he went to school! --this piece of shit went to school for something else!jesse: i don't want to do that old world shit! i don't wanna do it! jeffery, sr.: i've been working since i was 12 years old, and i'm not doing bad for myself! what have you got? uncle chris: i've had it!

jesse: i'm happy! uncle chris: jesse, i tried! jesse: i play video games! haven't you ever played a game? uncle chris: yeah. jeffery, sr.: many years ago! but i got out of it! uncle chris: but shit we ain't had that when we were kids! jeffery, sr.: yeah! uncle chris: we fucking worked! jeffer, sr.: we played with bat--

--and we played football!jesse: you never played anything! uncle chris: we went out and played baseball! jesse: you taught me how to play some! uncle chris: yeah when i was in my 20s! jeffery, sr.: we'd go to the arcade or something-- uncle chris: after--after 12-- jeffery, sr.: --15 minutes! jesse: so you played games! now why can't you do that for a living? jeffery, sr. it's freaking 10:00 at night, i'm tired of this shit! and i'm tired--

uncle chris: i'm outta here! jeffery, sr.: --selling me a bunch of shit! uncle chris: later! you make this fucking right with him! you get the fuck out of this house, will ya? this fucking shit, it's fucking-- jeffery, sr.: come on, knock it off! just get the fuck out! get out! uncle chris: fuck you, kiss my fucking ass! jeffery, sr.: get out! get the fuck out!

come here at this hour and selling me a bunch of shit! uncle chris: jeff, shut the fuck up! jeffery, sr.: yup. take one to the bank! take one! take 2! uncle chris: dickhead! jesse: hold on, uncle chris! hold on! uncle chris: listen, i've had enough of this shit with your dad, man. i don't know what the fuck is going on. jesse: i just wanted to thank you though. like...

uncle chris: what do what---thank me for? jesse: nobody's like ever stood up to him like that. uncle chris: well somebody's got to! jesse: i mean i do it everyday. uncle chris: your mom must've stuck up for ya! jesse: yes she did, but she's gone now. nobody's really left. my brother just left. uncle chris: you needs to get the fuck out! you need to get your ass out of that house! you need to get out! jesse: i'll be out in a week and a half. uncle chris: i left you $2500 on the table, didn't i?

jesse: yeah, and i told you i used that for giveaway. uncle chris: but that's-- jesse: but i don't have that money anymore. but i'm gonna be out in a week. i'm telling you right now. uncle chris: get out. get out, please. please, i stuck up for you because i thought it was the right thing to do. i wanted to clear my name. i can go to bed and got to sleep tonight. jesse: so you swear, you swear you didn't-- uncle chris: i didn't fucking tell him shit 'til he called.

jesse: you didn't call him. uncle chris: i didn't! i wouldn't do that! goddamn it, jesse! i wouldn't do that! jesse: no, i believe you. uncle chris: later, man. jesse: i'm sorry. no, i'm sorry. i believe you. uncle chris: i'm out. hey... jesse: yeah? uncle chris: just get the fuck out. alright? this is escalating, and i don't want it like the way it's going. and that's why i come over here. get out, please. alright?

jesse: i'm sorry i didn't believe you. i was just--yeah. uncle chris: you're my nephew, man. you're blood. so... uncle chris: later. jesse: sorry about that. yeah. uncle chris: alright. jesse: thanks. fuck. holy shit, man. okay...

wow. i don't know if that helped or hurt. it was nice to have some backup. alright... alright juggies... don't forget to subscribe for more content. twitter & instagram link's in the description. i didn't think he did...i really didn't think he'd call him. that makes me feel a lot better knowing that. drop a like on this video if you enjoyed it.

should i talk to my dad right now? i feel like i'd... i'm sorry, i'm sorry uncle chris came. jesse: i said i'm sorry that uncle chris came. i didn't know he was going to do that. jeffery, sr.: why would you set me up like that? jesse: i didn't set you up! i didn't--i had no idea! i just wanted to make sure you knew, that i had no idea he was coming and he was going to say all that shit. jeffery, sr.: did you call him to come over here at 10:00 at night? jesse: i did, i-i wanted to know if he had called you or not about quitting. jeffery, sr.: but then...you didn't tell him to come over and give me shit? jesse: no! i didn't know he was going to do that!

jeffery, sr.: i find it hard to believe, i really do. i don't want him over here again, do you hear me? jesse: okay. jeffery, sr.: you hear me? jesse: yeah, i wouldn't have uncle chris over here again anyway. i just needed to--i need to ask, i needed to find out the truth. jeffery, sr.: set everybody against me, don't ya? jesse: no i'm not! jeffery, sr.: uncle chris and uncle larry's bullshit? jesse: i didn't--

jeffery, sr.: i don't want you over at his house either! jesse: what? jeffery, sr.: i don't want you going over to uncle larry's house! you always get freaking tied up with his shit! jesse: you can't make up that rule! jeffery, sr.: oh there's new rules coming, buddy. there's new rules. jesse: oh yeah? like what? i mean just tell me right now. that way i don't fuck something up, and then the next thing you know, this whole fucking room gets destroyed! jeffery, sr.: there's rules about the gaming, there's gonna be rules about who shows up at this house!

jesse: gaming? what do i even have left to play? you destroyed everything! jesse: people showing up to this house? i hardly have anyone over! you already forbid fucking juliette from coming! jeffery, sr.: new rules... live by them, or find a place to go. jesse: i did...i did have a place to go. that was me just... that, that's why i fucking lied right there. that's why i fucking lied. that was me just trying to be nice and say, "hey i didn't mean for uncle chris to come in here and say all that." when i tried to dodge the bullet and get ahead of the game there... ...i just got fucking reamed out!

i just got reamed out for trying to be a good son and cover my ass and say, "hey, that wasn't the case!" regardless, i'm gonna get to, get to eat. alright juggies, love you all to death. and don't forget to keep it fucking ridgid.

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