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heart attack or stroke

hey, guys, dr. axe here, wellness physician,nutritionist and founder of draxe.com. in today's video, i'm going to be talking toyou about the difference between synthetic vitamins and whole-food-based vitamins andsupplements. and listen, there is a big difference, andi want to give you this warning. if you are taking the wrong type of supplements, especiallythe wrong type of calcium, it can actually

heart attack or stroke

heart attack or stroke, increase your risk of a heart attack and stroke. and here's the reason why this works. a lotof these synthetic vitamins and supplements today are made from ground limestone and rocksbecause there are minerals in rocks, it's the cheapest place to get them, or also fromground mineral salts.

and the type of minerals in there are notnatural for your body. just to let you know, there are a lot of different types of minerals.even in calcium, there's calcium carbonate, calcium malate, calcium citrate, calcium chelate.there are all these different forms of calcium. and calcium carbonate is the form of calciumfound in a lot of these cheap, synthetic vitamins today and your body doesn't recognize it.in fact, one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world, "the british medicaljournal", found that if you are taking a synthetic calcium supplement, it can increase your riskof a heart attack and stroke by over 30%. and so . . . and that's because another journalsaid only 5 to 30% of these synthetic vitamins like that calcium is being absorbed into yourbloodstream. so listen, when you're buying

vitamins and supplements, you get what youpay for. you absolutely want to be investing and getting higher quality, rather than thesynthetics. so again, synthetic, your body recognizesit more as a toxin, not near as much of it is absorbed. and you might have paid for halfof, for a cheap vitamin, you might have paid half the price but you're going to pay theprice with your health. and also, you're absorbing 5% of it, so it really isn't effective. and here's the difference between syntheticand food-based supplements. synthetic is just that. it's been taken from an unnatural sourcefor your body. a whole-food-based supplement done in two ways. it's either taken rightfrom a food, so for instance broccoli, you're

taking the calcium from there. or else, the way that the top companies dotoday, as well as the supplements that i personally take and usually recommend to patients, arecreated through fermentation. so, through probiotics. so what you can do is if you're creating awhole-food-based vitamin c supplement, you can take vitamin c from broccoli, which isa very small amount, but then you can ferment it just like you turn milk into kefir. andthose probiotics and enzymes help support the growth and creation of more vitamin c.it makes it more absorbable. and that's how the top companies, whole-food-basedcompanies, is they do a combination of extracting

vitamins and minerals from plants and thenfermenting them. and that's how you get real, whole-food-based vitamins and supplements. and only the top brands in the world, likeaxe naturals, megafood, garden of life, those are the only three companies i know that actuallydo the whole-food-based fermentation in their vitamins and supplements. so again, scrap and get rid of these syntheticvitamins today. load up on whole-food-based vitamins and supplements, and if you wantto learn more, hey, check out my website, draxe.com. that's draxe.com in fact, i've got a great article on therethat's titled, "why some of your supplements

are made or as bad as shower scum", and soreally going through what to look for in your vitamins. so you search supplements on there,you'll find that. also, hey, if you want to learn more aboutthe best natural remedies, herbs and plant-based medicine, hey stick here and subscribe tothe dr. josh axe channel here. we're going to say thanks for watching.

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