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heart attack food

it's like when you run the dynos cool [dome valley] [wellton hotel] and she is the maneger in that, office and she has graciously

heart attack food

heart attack food, uh, agreed to, to show us the site, so she'll be with us tonight and tomorrow and, um, she's been a great job, i know there's been some of us that have come down

and, uh, looked around a little an julie's helped us out and, uh, she agreed to do it again so we didn't screw up to awful bad anyways with that i'll turn it over to her i'm really honored to be invited to do this it's just an awesome privilege to, uh welcome you to this wonderful community and i also want to share that

i was in the same shoes 12 years ago and that's before yuma was this that's when yuma didn't have a hell of a lot and it turned out to be one of the best decisions we ever made our family and i know it's an individual decision for everyone, but, in our case it turned out to be fantastic. and i want to thank all of you for coming and we have a very fun evening planned and we have an even better day tomorrow. planned so,

i guess with that, we'll get started. this is yuma palms, and this is our newest shopping center it is an outdoor type facility. it's a westcor development, which they have done all over the metro phoenix area so you might be familiar with this. i also have to say, um, i did look very hard for any gmc to stand next to in this parking lot and i couldn't find one cause i caught a raft of grief every trip when i show up in my toyota. and that will change, i promise when all of you get here, i'll change. heh, heh, heh, ha. and not only that, this has been the funnest groups i've had.

it's ironic when we each drive the neighborhoods it's not the houses that we're really looking at we pick each street we go down by what's parked in the driveway. and i admire that, i really do, because i grew up with a father and 3 brothers that that's all they talk about their mopar. and i'm very sorry about that as well yeah, i know, i just can't win, can i. so with that we'll get started, we'll go this way and, um

the mall is pretty well spread out it's a pretty large area most of the main anchors are in this facility if you just want to go uh, this right here okay, sorry. um, we'll go down this direction everything is on this side except for

burlington coat factory sears mervins i'm going to be in your lap. ha ha ha. sears, mervin's, burlington coat factory and some other in a southgate mall. that is on the other side of town, but this is where the biggest cluster of retail is located. and a lot of our hospitality is located down here. this area that is just to our south is what we call the village and it's uh,

kind of a horseshoe shape and at the end of that horseshoe is harkin's theater. and it is just a really great area to hang out and, um, have a, all kinds of venues offered to you. shopping, eating, from sit down to fast food, cold stone creamery all of those are down there so, just a, yes, please. also at the other location is big 5, so sports authority and foot locker and those are at this one and big 5 is at the other one.

and, um, i understand we have some hunters fishers, off road enthusiasts, um, in this group, so, we're trying to appeal to that side. if you want to take a look out that side of your window, that is the village area. like i said we have sushi, sports bars, um, it's all walking and uh, it is uh, really heavily used, um we had a consultant here last night, who went down there and of course the diamondbacks are playing so,

so the sport's bar was pretty busy, but he was, he shared with me today that he was just amazed with the amount of foot traffic down there, so it does get frequented quite often. we have a lot of, of proposed, not necessarily proposed, actually the land is in escrow the projects are, have been, um, permits filed on so these projects are going to happen and, um, they're all going to happen kind of in this vicinity, so i'd like to point out where that's going to be right after we turn right up, yeah

right at this stop sign. we have an event center that is going to be built. i don't know if any of you have been up to prescott valley they just have a brand new arena up there and the same company that building one in yuma. so we will be on the same circuit as that that arena as well, so we'll be having the same entertainment venues as they have. it'll be a semi-pro hockey league we will host ice capades

rodeos, tractor pulls um, indoor, indoor soccer indoor football and then a semi-pro hockey league and that's going to happen right up here on the other side of the road where the stop light is. but on this side, just past the storage place there is a hotel, that is building a water park and there decision was final when they found out the event center was coming. so we're going to have a water park too and that's going to be a public water park

it's not just for, um, people who are visiting the hotel. it'll be open to the public. so that water park is going to be right here on this lot, right to our, our right. sorry, i'm backwards, right to your right, my left. okay. and the event center is just um, south of here. so this area is really scheduled to grow. we have some retail, some more hotel prospects for this site over here and then office and condominiums. so we're going to have some living alternatives in this area

as well so you can walk to a lot of these events. and this whole, um, area that is right now in ag is on our general land use to be commercial and mixed use development, so its all happening rather quickly and you can go left and this road will take us to the old downtown. and the old downtown is under a renovation. we are doing, it's called pivot point. and it is a resort conference center right on the river and then they're building a river walk

a small scale river walk like san antonio. it'll have, um, retail, uh, restaurants, and it's going to have a gated community where there condos. it'll be condominiums and it'll be a gated community but that will be offered down there as well. so there's going to be some other options in yuma in less than a year, because that ones already under construction. and we'll see a little bit of that. i understand you guys watched 310 to yuma

on the way here. yes, yes, yes. that's really cool. the prison is right up here. the prison is just up here on, um, to the south of us. that was the original 310 to yuma. that was the original 310 to yuma, yeah. yes, and you'll be happy to know the entire film of the new one was done in new mexico.

ha, ha, ha, heh, ha, ha. new mexico threw quite, several million dollars at the production company and they landed the project you know, we're mentioned throughout the movie it's not filmed here. so, but the original actually, they do some of the filming here and the prison was even one of the main characters in the original one, so i'm glad you guys got an opportunity to see that

and the prison is a hoot. if you ever get a chance to come down and spend the weekend or something, i recommend doing it, it's great history great story my favorite is the first woman ever sentenced to death and she was sentenced to death for murdering her husband and her defense was an accident, that he fell on her knife but it was like 17 times ha, ha, ha, heh, heh.

he kept falling over and over and over. so, turn right here. so, the, it is fun, it is a fun, um little, afternoon adventure. this is main street. the lee hotel right here is actually a, apartments. this used to be the post office and gallin, which is an international company is headquartered right here and they do bio industry on agriculture seeds. all the seeds that are used in yuma and in california are bio engineered here.

the do the crop protection in it they do the heat resistance it's all bio engineered right in the plant and that's where there headquarters is. and if you can, can we just keep circling, don't go full circle but just go half circle and keep going straight. up here on your right once we get up here a ways is lute's casino. lutes casino is the oldest pool hall in arizona. it was built in the late 1800's. and it is still a lot of, a lot of that was there in the 1800's. it's, it's fun, it's a little grungy, it's a little bit dirty, but it's very fun

and the foods excellent. it's just burgers and hot dogs. it's the real good heart attack food. so, i would recommend you do lute's too. and, um, that's right up here. right to your left is the yuma restored theatre and art museum. and this theatre has been restored to it's original state, which is the 1920's. and it is absolutely gorgeous, and we have live entertainment there all year long. they also offer foreign films and improv and stand up comedy.

and then our art center is phenomenal and we always feature local artists and it's amazing the talent that's here. and as we get up here um, we have some of the yuma county administration building and when we get to 2nd street i want everyone to look to their left do you see that hole in the wall. there's a sign that says jimmie dee's that is the hot spot downtown. well, actually in yuma. and i know this because i have a 24 year old and my boss is 26 years old

and they tell me that. i never go, so i wouldn't know. but it is a great little dive and it's a lot of fun and they have live entertainment several times right here on your right is main street cinemas, this is owned by the quechan indians tribe, and they have a nice agreement with hawkins, harkins, excuse me,

the share all of the new openings so, it's not a second rate theater, they aren't getting anythings, uh after they've been out a long time, and they still get all the new productions so, it's a great theater, they have a sound system that is, was first in the state it's real state of the art. now we're going to make a left. i did a dry run yesterday just to make sure the bus was going to fit everywhere.

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