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heart attack first aid

leave me. please. who are you all? leave me. why have you kidnapped me? open the girl's mouth.

heart attack first aid

heart attack first aid, thank you boss. hey, i have asked you toremove the cloth from girl's eyes. okay boss. why have you all kidnapped me?

money..for money madam. did you call him? he is reaching in some time. till the man who gaveus money to kidnap her. shall we have fun with her? tell me your flash back. i loved a boy. he too came to our house. i thought he also loved me.

then i came to know that he hadcome to our house to meet my mother. he had come to meet your mother. this story started threemonths back in zurich. where is he now? he is in swizz now. where is swizz? - in europe. do you want hisgeography or my history? what happened further? a family by the name chandra is there.

they have a very big companywhose proprietor is sharad chandra. they are very wealthy. what do you mean by very wealthy? lakhs and crores. you loved that old man. no. i loved his grandson. did you get ifs? is that investment fund company? he is 7% shareholder of this company.

a man by name praveenshetty has bought that company. what does he want? that chair, father. the cost of thatchair is just 50 euro. but because i sit on itits value is crores of euros. that is why father heis trying to reach till there. wherever possible he is buyingthe shares of our company at any cost. those who do not want to sellhe is threatening them and buying. he may do anything but we will nevergive 60% share our family name to him.

40% father. 20% belongs to yourdaughter saraswati. for last 25 years shehas not attended board meeting. and has never appliedfor company's ownership. he knows this.. ..and that is why he is flutteringfor 1% more ownership than us. how did he come toknow about these details? the entire worldknows about our family. the world knows beforeus the news of this family.

call him and talk to him. he has his own yatchand always stays there. he never receives anyone'scall or attends any meeting. that means he stays in his own world. fair enough. then my grandsonbhargava will go there. it is not easy to face him. well trained bodyguards fromarmy guard him with deadly weapons. weapons mean arms and ammunition.

the person who keeps weaponsis not always a warrior. but the real warrioris one who destroys the enemy. my grandson bhargava chandra.. ..is not just a warriorbut is an army in himself. but i think.. - this meeting is over. only one person can be seen. we call him ranna. he is a gina no one to match him.

he is an all rounder. quickly, throw it down. hurry up. pull it down. hey, you don't move. don't move. turn back. turn back. hands up. come on, turn back. don't move, don't move.

hey, don't move. move ahead. hands up. throw your cigarette. on your knees, now. fire. how did all this happen?rewind, rewind. i think you do not know meso that is why you have kidnapped me. you will land up into a big trouble. i do not need to ask theperson what is right or wrong..

..who bought the share ofour company with we knowing us. why do you need theshares of our company? i will get the position for this work. if you love life so much thenwhy do you do such kind of work? this bullet never loses its aim. if i would have hit an inchabove you would have lost your leg.. ..and if one inch aboveyou would have died. i don't want to say long filmydialogues to make you understand. i will come straight to the point.

don't take lightly thewarning given with love. understand the meaning of mytalks more than the smile of my face. if you interfere in my family.. i shall explain it to you in your way. i shall go times to the extent you go. elders have said it right that.. ..to have two bites offood and two sips of water.. ..a small place is enough to live. it is not wrong. think it over.

you mean to say that you need to waitto get happiness and satisfaction. good. i will wait.even then i will not get it. i will not get till my last breath. bhargava. grandfather. do you know what my wish is? i want my daughter;son-in-law and their children.. ..sit here and have food with me. and this house becomeshappy with their smile.

since last 25 years i havesuppressed this wish in my heart. many things happened during these yearsbut my wish did not get fulfilled. it is said that a manbecomes a child in old age. and children become parents. i want to see my daughter. after three months i would turn 75. will you bring youraunt on my birthday? will you bring my daughter? what are you saying?

will you so easily forgetthe disgrace brought to our family? you can forget but not us. he cannot bring her. - no. you threw her outthen how can he get her. what was she deprivedof here that she went away? a wrong thinking is enoughto destroy an old matter. a small mistake destroysthe relationship of a man. she married against my wish. that is why i threwher out of the house.

today i want her tocome here so bring her here. to fulfill your wish wecannot fall at her feet, father. we cannot pin point howand where earthquake did come. we cannot say this is the reasonfor differences in the family, father. of course. it is said that a girlmarried respectfully.. ..is the dignity of the family. but this is not thecase in our family. she went away leaving this house.

how can she come? every year we buyjewellery and clothes.. ..on her birthday andfestivals and send it to her. but she has always returned them. we could not toleratethe pain of that insult. that is why she leftthe village and country.. i have stood. be careful. father, grandfather.

will you bring your aunt? i will bring her. if he has promised thenhe will surely bring her. when i came down on thisearth i promised myself. that there is passionof kabira and fakira in you. you are sometimes out of your mind. everyone knows thatyou are like a storm. welcome sir. this is bangalore sir.

earlier its name bedkalore.- give it to me. sir..this is the recentphoto of your aunt. her name is saraswati butshe is more powerful than durga. he is your uncle.even he is no less than dynamite. he has struggled a lot in life. that is why he is very thoughtful. if i put both of them togetherthen your uncle is a lawyer in court.. ..and your aunt is judge at home. they have three daughtersand there of them..

narayan, i am aware that you knowa lot so there is no need to impress. sir, i will tell asmuch as you want to know. who knows what is next?i have just come. do you want to stay withme to know what is next? sorry sir. - where is aunt's house? aunt's house is in janegar. but uncle has just checkedout of hyderabad and there he is. who has come to receive him? a new team.

narayan. - yes sir. keep a car ready. chopper is ready sir. shall i go on the road on chopper? sorry sir. excuse me. this is my car. what is the cost of this? - 80lakhs. narayan. - sir. give him the cheque.

hey. american express cheque.equal to cash. will i give the carif i have got the cheque? otherwise will you givewhen i give you warning? taxi. thank you. hello, hello.what happened? he has got a heart attack. we will have to takehim to the hospital.

if we wait for 10 minutesthen he will surely die. your aunt will put allegations on you. so just think sir that timeis with you at this time sir. what do you say sir? - thank you sir. look mr. chagrapani, i needsome more time to repay your loan. how many more days do you need sir? when something unusual willhappen then will you give me? why are you staring at me like this? i also have eyes.

if a drink a little then theycan i can be more angry than you. i think we need tohave some dignity here. shall i say one thing?- hello, saraswati. when you had come to ask for loan thattime you were asking for many crores. i shall repay you soon. that time you weretalking with lots of love. when i am asking you to repay theloan you are talking with attitude. madam, sir has beenadmitted to john hospital. he has suffered a heart attack, madam.

even if we leave the slippersoutside the temple we tell someone. this woman left withoutsaying anything. saraswati, why do i insult myselfevery time even after giving you loan. no problem. i shall goto siddhivinayak and pray to god. then at the right timei shall trouble you a lot. there is a bigger hospitalthan this at a distance of 2km. what would have gone wrongif you would have taken him there? madam, there is a cremationground also at a distance of 2km. at the heart attackfirst aid treatment..

..is more importantthan first class treatment. you better thank him. what is this? i thought she would thankyou to save her husband's life. but instead she got angry. if she was so intelligent thenwhat was the need of me coming here. prakash. who got me admitted here? swami. - madam.

ask the driver to get thebriefcase that is kept in the car. give him 1lakh from thatand ask him to leave from here. okay madam. to spend life with me you justleft all the wealth and came with me. and today will you just let goof that person who has saved my life. listen, saraswati. if i don't talk to the personbecause of whom i am alive.. ..then god will never forgive me. hello, they are calling you inside.

sir, this is your number.- receive the call. listen to whatever talk happens inside.- yes sir. if anything gets missed thenyou will have to miss yourself. okay sir. what is your name? keep giving these tablets.- okay doctor. sorry sir. i am chandu, sir. what work do you do? have you told thedriver of the ambulance?

yes sir, i have told him. i am a driver sir.. did you work as a driverat kuber's place earlier? the boy to whom i havegot married is in dubai. i used to do drivingat sheikh's place in dubai. but now he is here. did you leave the jobor you were thrown out? i was thrown out, sir. - but why? what is this new case about?

it is the case aboutfalling in water, sir. sir the wife of dubai's sheikh wasdrowning in water and i saved her so. dubai is a desert.where was she drowning? in swimming pool, sir. if she did not know swimmingthen why did she go there? for learning, sir. okay, leave all that. why were you thrown out from there? in dubai no one else cantouch a wife other than her husband.

and i did all that.. not only in dubai butit is everywhere in the world. it is wrong in the eyes of law, sir. that is why i cannot stay there. so the sheikh of dubai called meand asked me to go back to my country. and so he sent meback with a good amount. why are you repeatingthe same thing again and again? so that we both understand everything. he has come.

just a minute. if you take this suitcaseinside then what will you get. they will ask me asto where i was till now. if you give this suitcase to us.. ..then you will get a carworth 80lakhs for commuting. take this. why did you get this? where has our driver gone? he gave this and said that..

..he would prefer to bea cleaner of car worth 80lakhs.. ..rather than be a driverof a car worth 60lakhs. but who are you? i am a patient of that bed. now i have got some rest. sir, you can never become a father. i am already a fatherto dozen children. he left the job atthe right time over there. if you don't have any problemthen you can be on a job with us.

sir, you are giving a supportto a driver who is without a job. i agree to work with you. today a person is asking for support,who always support others. it would not be right to keep him onjob without knowing who he is, madam. swami. sorry madam. how much salary will you take? what? to give salary to him reservebank will have to print new notes. join the duty from tomorrow.

sir, shall i makearrangements for a throne.. ..to watch the dance of these dancers. of course, do it. why? what is so special about them? classical.what is wrong in praising them? then shall i do bharatnatayam and show it to you? keep your eyes down.they are young girls. don't feel bad sir but girls are bornso that they put pressure on boys. actually the truth is thatbecause of devotees god has value.

similarly becauseof boys girls have value. can i help you? - sure. what are you doing? aren't you afraid? a person gets married aftergetting used to this fear. after that a girl enjoysall her life and a boy sheds tears. am i right? you.. - my name is chandu. nice meeting you, chandu.

what is this dear,you are shaking hands with a driver. listen, you have been broughthere just to hold the steering. that's okay, chandu. madam, you dance very well. thank you. - i saw it. salsa, rap dance is uselessin front of this. waste. your eyebrows are amazing. and the way they were moving it seemedthat someone heart may skip a beat. i can guarantee that, madam.guranatee.

are you really a driver? of course, he is dubai returned. oh..see you around. sure. hey, look down. - yes. take this. - what is this? this is a bell. the moment madam presses ittwice you have to be present there. okay. what if she pressesit three to four times?

then you are gone. are you okay? - help me to get up. pick me up. what happened? no sir, it is driver's hand.it is very shameful. you will not be ableto stay here for long. let's see. - all the best. yes, all arrangements arebeing made according to that list. thank you. - bring it here.

swami, who is he? he is a new car driver. you got my brotheradmitted to the hospital. his height is justlike basketball player. that means we can get thetank of terrace cleaned from him. what is this brother? is there someoccasion that you dressed as priest? the ladies had vowed to holda prayer if brother gets well. preparations of that are going on. very good. give me the list of allthe things that need to be brought.

this is for prayer andthis for offering. - yes. the list of offering ismore than the list of prayer. sugar. - the sugar is in the kitchen. semolina. - it is in the store room. what is it? am i looking like an item? why are you staring at me?go get the semolina. where is it, sir? there upstairs in the room. sugar is in the kitchenand he has gone to take semolina.

i may exercise a lotbut this dress never fits me. 'english rap song' who sent him to my room? who asked you to go into madam's room? do you have shortterm memory loss, sir? you had asked me to gointo that room and get semolina. will you go everywhereas i raise my finger? shall i raise my finger towardsmoon and you will go there? is this a thing to shout and tell?shameless.

hey, he has made a mistakeso why i should i be ashamed. you seem to be decent thenwhy did you make a mistake like this. till now i knew that there isalways a problem in opening the zip.. ..but did not know that thereis a problem even on closing the zip. if all of you think thatit is wrong then i will rectify it. how? - look, like this. you are playing withthe dignity of the house. he doesn't seem to be a decent man.come here. but sir, listen to me. - come with me.

you should have not done like this. what happened, swami?what is the matter? sir, the zip of your seconddaughter..i am feeling shy. how should i tell you?sir, throw him out from here. he is not capableof staying here, sir. i know swami who is capableof staying here and who is not. he is not capable.throw him out from here. throw him out from here. say whatever you want tosir but throw him out from here.

saraswati will decideas to who will stay here.. ..in this house and who will not. this is my decision. get the tank full. hi, hello.. who are you? i did not recognize you. nurse laxmi. laxmi narayan. we were thinking thatsome lady nurse will come. but you have come.

you doubled every nursewho came here to serve. that is why i have been sent here. didn't you like me coming here? have you got upset? listen, take this. oh no.. aunt, you have kept it openinstead of keeping it in a box. look, use olive oil in cooking food. and in the afternoon makeomelet from the egg white.

and don't miss beetroot is cooking any item. because it is very good for heart.- okay. and what should i make for you. whatever i have toldyou just now was for me. ask the patient what he wants.how do i know? funny guys.they are asking me as to what i want. what is this style of yours?remove your hand. are you a big boss? where have you kept your foot?

great, great you thinkyourself to be a hero. hey, don't you know whatbody language should a driver have? leaving the screwdriverrest all drivers are here, sir. hey, not the driver but iwant the body language of a driver. i have prepared ashow reel for that, sir. can't you see.. sir, dr. rajkumar as truck driver. ..what if my bholu would have died? madam, this lorry does notkill anyone. this lorry gives life.

what is the name of this dog? dr. vishnuvardhan as bus driver. the movie is survam singham. someone come soon.- why are you shouting? did i purposely bang you? you came infront of the car and banged with me. he is superstar amrish.he never wears a uniform. he is very different. i am seeing.- you are really blind. can't you see? he..

sir, he just looks like you. he is a colorful man. his name is kicha. kicha.- you think whatever you want to. will i follow this kicha? i have hired you so thatyou follow me. and not i.. tell me what i should do sir. don't do anything and justget the ice box. - okay sir. what kind of people have i hired?

sir. is there any developmentin the thinking of your aunt? yes. she makes me eat foodby making me sit in her lap. she sees whether ihave taken a bath or not.. ..and which clothesand shoes i am wearing. my aunt does not havetime even to look at me. how will development happen? nothing is going to happenwith this job? quit this job, sir. i beg of you sir to release me.

when my uncle who has justgot discharged from hospital.. ..will come to knowas to why we have come here, then he will again go backto hospital from the same route. he will surely go. did i say right? - yes sir. then will aunt come to our house? how will she come, sir? so to fulfill our goal we shouldtake entry in that house lovingly. of course you should. - is therea better idea than being a driver?

no sir.- release me sir, i cannot tolerate. look brother,i can do anything to achieve my goal. of course, sir. i can bow down to win that love. sir, this dialogue doesnot suit this situation. shall i remove your clothesas they are also not suiting you? don't ask stupid questions in between.- okay sir. what you should not do?- asking questions. come on, leave sir alone. come.

sir, these are the documentsfor saraswati's admission to college. this is scholarship formand this is latest bank statement. other than that she has not yetsaid which subjects she will choose. she will select what she likes. i have already selected, daddy. why are you panicking like this? i have not murdered anyone. i have just got married. daday, he is prakashand he has done law.

he was saying that i didn'tmarry him then he will kill himself. i told him that even if i marryyou even then you will be killed. but i said yes. he was worrying thata small lawyer like him.. ..would be accepted asa son-in-law in such a big family i told him not to worryas my father loves me a lot. and he will surely agree.. not only this. he does whateveri say so you come with me. in childhood i used to becomea joker to see you smiling.

today you made me a real joker. what did you say?you have just got married. what all dreams had i seen for you? and you brought a beggar here. all my life i prayedfor your happiness. and today you camehere to take my life away. daddy..- just keep quiet. who is your father? i thought you would agree so that iswhy i came here after getting married. if you were so sure then you would nothave come with garland in your hands.

you should have comewithout a garland. if you would have toldme then i would not have agreed. even if you would havecried i wouldn't have agreed. after five years i wouldhave agreed for marriage. he does not have the statusto be a peon my company. daddy, i can see my future with him. i can see a good family. and i can see your destruction. if you would have died then i would havetolerated after crying for four days.

but you have givenme pain for my entire life. out. get out. sharad, listen to what she is saying. will you advise meas to what i should do? out, get out. - no daddy. listen to me sharad.- please listen to me. daddy, please. come on get out from here.- daddy. the prayer should not be stopped.

even her shadow shouldnot be seen here. don't put clarified in fire andburn but put her memories and burn. now i don't wantto hear her voice ever. good morning sir. there is something dirty on it, sir. the weather is good. why is he kneeling down? i think he has brought it.what do you think, sir? let me see.i can see that he seems to be a thief.

narayan,have you understood the matter? excuse me, side please. hey, what are you doing here?who are they all? the truth is that i am nota driver but saraswati's nephew. we have a big factory in spain. after fighting withgrandfather she left the house. i have come to take her back home. that means you likeher elder daughter indra.. ..and you want to marry her also.isn't it?

listen; even i am not a nurse. my father has a big shop of iron. the clothes of president of america.. ..and the queen of londonare ironed in my father's shop. i like her second daughter rukhmini. that is why i havecome to their house. look, whom does he love? what did you say? - co-incidence. if you both become their son-in-laws..

..then just like johnson and johnsonyou will get a title of iron and iron. they both girls willmatch you both nicely. extraordinary. i don't want thetitle of iron and steel. i will not get him. you will drop me.aunt will ask me to broom. the other one will keep watching.you will give built up to everyone. and band team separately. hey, come on it is duty time.what is he talking? how can he go like this?

the truth is as clear as coconutwater and lies like cold drink. and people like colddrinks more in our country. did you understand? come on it is duty time.i will have to go. good morning madam. i am sorry for whathappened yesterday. actually swami sirmisguided me a little. who are you? - driver chandu. look chandu, does anyone thinkthat life will come into a frame..

..made of broken wooden chair. you can sit on chairbut cannot put life in it. do you know that? - yes. you are same like that for me. this table, chair,driver and all workers are equal. if i waste my time behindthem then how will it work? okay go now and do your work. go now. aunt, hot water isnot coming in the geyser.

the geyser is not working, child. i want hot water to take a bath. it is ready. come and take it. i am in towel, aunt. we are working. i should get married. husbandwill at least get a bucket of water. hey, what are you doing here? bucket was downstairsand you were screaming here. elders say that you shouldhelp in work wherever you do a job.

you seem to be a thief. i think myfather did a mistake in giving you job. actually i am thinkinglike a 3d movie. if you will see with these eyes you willnot be able to understand anything. but if you see through your heartthen you will understand everything. don't you have thismuch common sense that.. ..you should notsee a girl having bath. just look madam.the tap, bucket, brush.. ..and everything elsecan see you taking a bath. just like them even i am a driver.

you had said so. i will stand here tillthen you take a bath. if you need more waterthen i will get it for you. you are challenging me.i will take a bath right now. leave it madam. you will take bath in front of me. but i am not interestedin watching girl like you. you were very healthy.what happened suddenly? that afternoon i seemed nervous.

and was doing journey also. i was having some chest pain. i thought maybe it is gas problem. so i had eno. after that while drivingi had a severe pain on my left side. there was complete darknessin front of my eyes. i thought that i would die. that time many thoughtscrossed my mind. i was thinking whetherto curse god or pray to him.

that why you aretorturing me like this. i was helpless. in just a flick of second my entirelife rolled in front of my eyes. i felt as if life isslipping from my hands. i was missing my wife,children and my entire family. i was thinking that no auspiciousfunction has taken place in our house. so will i die before that. at such times you come to knowthe value of your near and dear ones. if you are truthful thengod sends someone for your help.

and it happened that way. i was just praying that idon't die now just for my family. and god sent a messenger. he broke the glass.. ..got me into an ambulanceand admitted me to the hospital. and my life was saved. thank you.what else i can say more than this? if my mother was alive then she wouldhave got a temple made in your name. mother, what would yourparents do in such situation?

i don't have anyone there. everyone is dead for me. chandu's uncle made chandu's aunteat spicy paste with a silver spoon. listen, in the next lanethere is a cigarette shop. take my name and uncle willgive you a cigarette so get it for me. if it is aunt thenget the entire packet. and get a chocolate for yourself. sorry. take cigarette if you want. drink coffee if you want.

there is one man in my house tobring tea and another one to give him. and do you think i willget tea for a beggar like you. i am in love so i have to do all this. there is a man in myhouse to stop the alarm. and you will get work done from me. what is this? what is this? coffee shop. - is it yours? no , no sir. even i don't knowwhether i shall drink..

..american coffee orfilter coffee or black coffee. that is why i have opened this shop. look. come here. - i made a mistake. when the family members ask meto get vegetables or beans or coconut. i do not understand so thatis why i have kept a car here. sir, i understand.- and you are asking me to.. come here. - no, sir. come here. - i made a mistake. look. - i have seen.

i do not know in which car to putpetrol or diesel so i have hired them. for me to be a driveri have hired so many people.. ..and you will get work done from me. no sir, i made a mistake. i do not know who you are. you tell me. if this poor person gets a cell phonethen i can find where my master is. if you want to earn moneyquickly then it is not possible. but i will get rich after marriage.

no, no sir.. - you.. there are so many people.for what do they get salary? boys! sorry sir but save me from them. sir, please.sorry sir i made a mistake. don't you think my angerhas reduced than before? you are right sir. earlier you used to talkwith gun and now you talk with hand. if you control youranger a little more..

..then you will beable to talk with mouth. so treat me softly. - do one thing. tell me sir. give him some money and leave him.- okay sir. give it to me quickly. give him all. they are 10lakhs sir.he will get an attack. narayan. - okay sir. great. now my dream will be fulfilled.

okay, okay go now. - very good. narayan sir, where is its keys? what? - key. bring it here. please open this, sir. being an american a thief whowants to loot a bank in bangalore.. ..is given 10lakhsis asking for keys of this. key is required to open it. you were right. if he saw somuch cash then he will get shocked.

that is why you keep this. narayan sir that. if it is not in your destinythen you cannot do anything. this is enough so leave from here. i want that also, sir.- even this will go. then leave it. hey, i thought that the ownerof the hotel would be an old man. she is very young. people like me give saraswati..

..but who knows what typeof people are who want it back. when did i say thati will not rep[ay the loan? how will you repay? i am going tie up soonwith a software company. if that gets okay then therewill be minimum 40% occupancy. that will not happen, it is simple. tomorrow i will do a raid onthis hotel and arrest the call girls. and your contract will get cancelled.understood. just think saraswati that if you troublea person then he will retaliate.

a person like me from whom you havetaken so many loans has not said a word. did i ever trouble you? minister, i would havewaived off her entire loan.. ..and would have given 25lakhs more only if you could getthis hotel in my name. what can be simpler than this,minister? i think even this is simple logic. he is a great devotee of god.that is why he rarely gets angry. but whenever he gets angryhe does not spare the one in front.

just think minister sir. if we ask from god and hedoes not give then we curses him. so will i spare themoney which i gave? he is ranna. he is a gina. no one can match him. i do not know what happenedbetween you all here. i will neither ask. but the way she left from here..

..it is confirmed thatsomething wrong has happened. hey, who are you? her driver. we do not discuss with driver. get out from here. you create nuisancein front of police. if i wish i can shoot you immediately. those who have done somethingwrong are scared of police.. ..and those who are scaredof death are scared of gun.

i am not scared of both. you think you are a greatplayer after killing four people. i have become an mp aftergetting four lakh votes.. ..and defeating the opposite party. i play rummy withhome minister every day. in state or central. did you hear? are you threatening me? i have seen many people likeyou and they stay under my control.

you do not have status in front of me. done sir. hello. sir.. hey, put it down. sir..sorry sir. i did notknow he is such a cheap fellow. tell me, what has happened?- keep quiet. can't you differentiate betweenbullet train and local train? home minister called from delhi. here i am in trouble andyou are worried about your benefit.

idiot. why are you looking at me like this?is a film going on? we will all get into trouble with him. come on go from here. sir, my position anddignity has gone sir. come here. i will tell you that. if you like the hotelthen will you get it. or otherwise you will kill. i am there to save them.

but who will save you from me. come here. my hand is here andwhere is your cheek. if within half an hour if all documentsdo not go in their hands then.. don't speak further. my head will be in your hands.- have you understood? take a paper and a pen. a request to my respectablesister saraswati. sister.

i should not have behavedwith you like this. keep these papers. from today. every year. i will consider you sister.. on raksha bandhan. ..and give you clotheson raksha bandhan. on diwali. will give sweets to you on diwali.

on ganesh chaturthi. will give you gift and vermillion. forgive me for all the mistakes that.. ..i have done till now, sister. what is all this? - earlieri was quite adamant to get the hotel. but now with the grace of god iam thinking that i should return this. how come so much changecame in you suddenly? i swear upon god. few minutes back when iwas fighting to take the hotel..

..you did not say anything. and now when i amreturning it back to you.. ..you are asking me so many questions. goodness is of no worth. sister, there is a rock behind you. this can neither be broken,moved nor molded. and if anyone triesto bang against that rock.. ..then his conditionwould be the same as mine. i will leave sister.

listen, be careful. okay fine. somehow manage with a cool head. okay. mother. where are you going? to the party. i had told you about it. mother, what is all this?

this line should not be seen. shall i erase this, mother? stupid. by saying it shouldnot be seen i mean.. ..the clothes shouldnot be above this line. what? it is party, mother. if this line closesthen that door will open. chandu, come here. where do you want to go, madam?

friday night. oh god, in the party. - yes. you were supposed to come earlierso now i have started another work. mother asked us to change the dress. i am sorry. there is no need to say sorry.it is okay. then come on let's go. come on let's go. - okay. come.

wow! till we reached theaddress the dress got changed. if you speak a lotthen i will change you. why are you talking like this? make her understand, madam. chandu, wait in thecar after eating food. go. come, let's go quickly. hi, handsome. - wow. hi. - hi.

are you single? excuse me. have you come alone? i have come here finding someone. am i the one? hey, look at chandu. a girl by name rukuis somewhere here.. i think he is searching us. why will he search for us?in fact he is enjoying.

am i not beautiful? of course you are beautiful. what is your name?- my name is chandu. oh! chandu.what are your intentions chandu? look, i am not that type. i am.. so you mean we are of that type. not at all. what is its taste? it is very bad. vodka.

do you want milk? in just one word youproved yourself wrong. hey, do you haveinterest in this also? wait, i will tell mother about this. silly girl. recently we had gone to a party.- yes. while leaving home youwere in decent clothes.. ..and while getting downyou were in different clothes. your mother does not know about this.

now i will tell you a small story. a girl found a gini lamp. gini lamp means a gin comesout the moment you rub it. when gin came out he told thegirl that i will give you a blessing. but there is a condition. your husband will get tentimes more than what you ask for. she said okay. the girl said i want a very big house. she got a big house and herhusband got ten times bigger house.

then the girl saidi want lots of money. so obviously husbandgot ten times more. so what was the thirdblessing was very important. she told gin,to give her a very light heart attack. then think what happened after that. then her husband must have got heartattack 10 times greater heart attack. so brilliant. no, girls think themselves to be verysmart and make the biggest mistake. actually it becomes 10 times lighter.

look, you will have to come.there is no other option. do you want to go? - no. why did you hit them, chandu? indu, if someone teases a girlthen this would be the condition. what if you get hurt? driver. chandu..come. what if am a driveri am a human being too. call me by my name.

boys, do not actlike this again. okay. please, come. hey, stop him. hey, you also go. feel the power of macho ranna. stop him. go and get your sister. there are other boyswith him also, chandu. girls either shed tears orwatch us shedding tears of others.

what if there are boys with her.i am there with you, madam. go and get her. go. tell me who were those people? i do not know, daddy. if you see him then willyou be able to recognize him. - yes. brother, file a police complain. yes brother.we should spare them like this. i very well know what can happen.. ..and what cannot happenby doing a police complain.

as a lawyer i am saying that nothingcan be achieved by going to court. at time of giving invitationwe should not do investigation. correct sir. it is better to neglect it. it would not be right to reward himthinking that he has done a favor on us. where is chandu?i hope he has not got hurt. he hit those hooligans. what will happen to him? he is a very nice man.

today for the secondtime he has saved my heart. you had said that a proposalof a doctor has come so call him. okay brother. when my father used to be angry.. ..then he used hit thestick on the ground in this way. my brother used to tease me sayingthat even i have the same habit. he also had a cute son. very naughty. if drivers are askedto work full time..

..then they do not takekeys and go without taking money. he does not know this. your father and me havegrown together under one roof. whenever i see youi remember my brother. your voice is justlike your grandfather. and you were thinking thatstill i will not recognize you. my heart is not ofstone as your grandfather. in awe of anger he can throwhis daughter out of the house. but i cannot throw out a driver fromthe house and that is why you are here.

do you think if you sayi will go back to that house.. ..where my husband was insulted? what will you do daddy if i go? father, control yourself.what are you doing? i had bought this gun to save my life. but for me my dignityis more important than my life. father, no father. sharad, no. prakash.prakash.

may be you will not let meenter the house in traditional way. but i was thinking that youwould bless me and bid me farewell. i came here thinking thatyou can tolerate anything for me. you shot at him. so now you are dead for me. this fire will extinguish. but the fire that youhave lit will never extinguish. dear. don't stop me, brother.

i will not file a case on your father. i am not angry with you. because you have notdone anything wrong with me. but we will not meet again. whether you stay in thishouse or leave this house. but will surely say one thing. you came to my houseand served my husband. you saved my hotel andyou also saved my daughters. if all this is coincidentthen there is no problem.

but if you did all this topose yourself as great in my eyes. then even i know how to shoot. and very sad that just like yourgrandfather my aim will not be wrong. sir, the time in whichyou will keep the coffe.. ..mug on the table after drinkingthey will be in front of you. kidnap, sir. yes sir. the way raavan kidnapped sitasimilarly we will kidnap your aunt. and if just like ram youruncle come here finding her.. ..then who is the one whowould save him being hanuman.

how did you like the idea?- come here. go and stand in that corner. go. sir if you agree then. do not say anythingthat i would slap you. say quickly whatever you want to say. apart from your auntno one else knows who you are. no one knows andi haven't told anyone. sir, i want to say that. come straight to the point.

say i love you to indra. if i will say i love you to indra.. ..then do you thinkshe will say i love you too? she will say i hate you. sir, you do not know thatyou are the most eligible bachelor. seeing your heightgirls get intoxicated. your voice has a good base listeningto which their faces bloom, sir. even married girls wantto take nuptial rounds with you.. ..and make you theirhusband from heart, sir.

i am not flattering you. really. - sure sir. come here. are you really sure?- sure sir. does she really love me? no doubt, sir. continue.. speak further. sir. - yes. sir, just call hername indra once. - yes. call her name indra once.

i should call her name indra. just like a passenger runs after morningbus she will come after you, sir. is it really so? then what after that. then your aunt will also follow her. i have seen madam lookingat you lovingly, sir. me.. it seems as if she will swallow you. swallow me.. - yes sir. was she looking at me like this?- yes sir.

so shall i call her?- yes, call her. should i surely call her? - yes sir. are you sure? - yes sir. shall i call her? - sure sir. okay. hey, madam. what are you doing?- don't stop me. wait. why do you want to die? if i will not get the one wholoves me then why should i stay alive? i think she is also interested. look, the person whomyou love is always yours.

he is not mine. she is getting tensedthinking that i am a driver. actually the thingis i am not a driver. you are right.you are not a driver but a robber. you are the villain whoseparated me from my love. what? will you tell me clearlywhom do you love? his name is rohitwhom you hit at the mall. he is the one.

this is wrong.- what is wrong in this? he was going to kidnap you. hey, if he would have kidnappedme then wouldn't i have shouted. for last three yearswe love each other. we had made a plan toget married after running. you came and spoiled the plan. me. tomorrow is her wedding. the wedding is tomorrow soi will get him tomorrow morning.

hello, it is not that easy. rohit nayak weds nilambari dodmani. she is not just dodmanibut veerappa dodmani. they are very famous. he has two sons and one daughter. rohit is getting married to her. he loves his daughter a lot. once someone kissed hisdaughter so he got his hand cut. will you be able toget him from such a place?

will you go now? all the best. - bye. 'cruel beloved..' superb. look it is fittingthe situation so well sir. oh god, i am dead. change the song. put the flight in the parking. and take me to the hospital.

is he the one? - yes. i mean he is good. he is very nice. he is really very handsome. when the photo was clickedthe camera was not right. he seems to be very clever. what? - nothing. if he is foolish then he willlook like one. he cannot look smart. what is he doing here?

he was saying that is to go to hoobly. i will tell him so that heimmediately goes in the next flight. okay bye. so both of them are going together. that means they are goingto steal something and then run away. i shall tell mother. did the tyre burst? then why did this car gave a jerk? a person will boilin such hot weather.

it is so hot. she started lovingsuch a stupid fellow. he seems to be a terrorist. sir, nowadays thereare very few people.. ..to fall in love afterseeing the character. the boy loves thegirl seeing her face. the girl loves theboy seeing his money. you must have seen in that house.the elder one is fine. but the second number has differentcharacter at home and different outside.

why are you laughing at what i said? you know her better than me. you just say whatever you want to say. isn't it? save me. sir, was such a long routenecessary to come here from there? has she lost it? shall we leave, madam? hanumant, keep everything ready.

give ice if you have it.it is really paining. tell me sir. - listen. what should i get for you?- how come she is here? how do i know boss? i thinkshe has the habit of walking in sleep. while walking at night shemust have fallen in our jeep.. ..and would have got hurt. due to which she haslost her memory temporarily. in medical languagewe call it amnesia. you are a nurse so at leastpronounce the illness properly.

that is called amnesia. do you know it? - of course. how did i come here? actually you are my aunt's daughter. our families don't get along well. i requested and beggedbut none of them felt pity. this was the only wayleft for both of us to run. he seems to be sad. don't put onions.

don't i have brothers and sisters? you do have.she is really a witch. truly a witch. she is the one against our love story. that means alreadythere are differences. don't put tamarind. who is he? you have got hurt sohe is an ayurvedic doctor. ayurvedic doctor. - ayurvedic doctor. ayurvedic doctor.

don't put coriander or mint. why are our family membersagainst our marriage? it is a very long story.- say it quickly. now that you are askingso i will tell you. a rich boy trapped your eldersister and cheated her in love. i am from a poor family. oh god, how did he mix relationshipsand say such things about them? cancel tempering. to my sister all menseemed to be innocent.

your sister is nice sothey put all allegations on her. doctor.. there is color of honestyso turmeric is also canceled. dear! cool boss. you are going to be my husband. her talks are directlyaffecting my heart. give her the same kind ofshock so then things will be equal. say it dear.

when i see you ifeel you are very nice. you are speaking like grandfather. grandfather.. shall i tell about him?- yes, tell her. he is the only one whosupports our love story. okay call him. you be seated.the phone is on left side. he will easily take outthe phone and your selfie also. keep trying.

yes sir. give the phone to grandfather. please be on the line sir.sir. hello.. grandfather,will you talk to your granddaughter? granddaughter.. hello grandfather,i am rukmini speaking. how are you child? i am absolutely fine grandfather butfather and mother are not agreeing.

whatever happenedwas not a small matter. whether it is small or bigbut it has to happen in the end. then it is wrong not to agree. you are so intelligentat such a small age. if i am marrying the boy of mychoice then what problem do they have? marriage.. give me the phone. hello, hello.. idiot..

i will call later. aunt's daughter and uncle'sson are really having fun. i feel like crying afterhearing grandfather's voice. if you feel like crying then you canfeel better after hugging and crying. that is why hug him. if i knew that amnesiahas so many benefits.. ..then i would havepushed my girlfriend down. is the dish ready? seeing them it doesn't look as ifthey have come here to eat anything.

go and give them this. sir, i have brought the thingthat you need more than food. maybe your love storyis old but this sari is new. ask the dear oneto wear this and come. i see my daughter in her face. take this, sir. take it. take it. - take it, child. the marriage is taking place so everyoneis happily doing arrangements.

listen, shall i sitand wait here till you come. leave it, dear. will you marry me? sir, she needs some more time. that she had said just like that. her eyes want marriageto take place now. isn't it dear? before your marriagewe have to do a blast here. come on, sir. what is it sir?are you preparing for the action? what else can i do, laxmi?

sir, it is better to tell. that day you told methe truth and i believed. just keep watching, theywill send the boy with us willingly. just look at my magic. welcome sir, greetings. greetings, greetings brother. have you come to attend the wedding? we have come to stop themarriage and kidnap the groom. i had told you that if i speakthe truth then no one will agree.

who are you? i am bride's younger brother.and he is the elder brother. and that bride is my sister. where is the groom's room?- that is upstairs, sir. come, sir. so many people are working for amarriage that is going to be stopped. i am feeling verysad seeing this, sir. do the work quickly. we will first do thework for which we have come.

no one will come to know thathow we have kidnapped the groom. do it quickly. come sir.i am there with you. why are you crying, dear?why are you sitting so sad and quiet? i got your photograph.- i want to marry this girl. and you are gettingmarried to another girl. i am helpless. what should i do? i can understand your problem. how?

that is a long story, leave it. i know sir. please cool down sir. okay, let's first go. but where? if those peoplecome to know then they will kill us. who will come to know? these people.. don't worry. dear, the time toescape quietly has gone. nowadays, it is time of brainy people. they have power but we have brains.so come on.

okay, tell me who theboss between you two is. whoever may be the boss?what have you to with that? from the time we havecome who is talking more. i am dead. slowly. oh god. save me sir, save me.you have come as god to help me. thank you sir. in next birth i shallreturn your favor by being your son. i am saying this seriously.

go and catch him. who are they all? i was at home. how did i reach here? what is all this happening? 'rap song' may i know that whois the father of the boy.. ..who is being asked tomarry against his willingness? who is the father of the boy withlong hair and is lying on the ground? are you the one?

you think you are very smartby just hitting my son once. look mr. veerapa, a police officer.. ..becomes powerful onlyafter wearing his khaki uniform. when a politician wins inelection then he becomes powerful.. ..only after seeing thecrowd of people behind him.. .. who has made him victorious. girls become powerfulby seeing the boys behind them. but i will get powerful or notdepends on how people walk behind me. now you tell me that dependingon whom you feel so powerful.

dear, he is our powerfulman just like an elephant. an elephant may do many actions but itis its caretaker who takes care of it. veera vishwa kaalia,we have hunted many lions with them. good mr. veerapa, very good.. ..but sometimes it isbetter to leave some lions. ask why? why? the hunters themselvesbecome the target, mr. veerapa. this is my status, veerapa.

if any of your men touch it theni think that i have been defeated.. ..and if anyone wearsit then think that i am dead. great. hey, my daughter is goingto get married to that boy. whatever you are doing is wrong. you are getting your daughtermarried without asking.. ..the boy whether heis willing to marry her. even if you get your daughtermarried forcefully even then.. ..she will in troubleat her in-laws house.

tell me whose loss it is. listen carefully to what i am saying. before interfering in othersmatters just think that that.. ..if anyone messes up withyou then you do not spare that person. look i am like fearless bruce lee. the only difference is that he isnot an indian and my nose is not flat. and i do not belong to a countrywhere people have small eyes. but just notice one thing.. ..that way of speaking andpunching is same to same, sir.

it is a great feeling togive warning in indian style. for taking such a big decisionyou discussed it with a driver. you should have toldthis matter to your parents. sir that.. - you keep quiet. we need to know after all who he is.. ..from he has comeand what is his background. how can you take a decisionsuddenly without knowing all this? what do you say, saraswati? it is not shameful to fall in love.

and you should not beshot at after getting married. human beings live in our house.. .. and not devils. you are the sign of ourlove and we respect your love. you respect your daughter's love.. ..but our daughter's weddingcame to a halt because of him. even if in dreams someoneinsults me then in the morning.. ..he comes to our door to apologizeeven before joining hands for prayers. he ruined our dignityin front of our guests.

he has just made ourlives as a loser wrestler. if the marriage doesn't takeplace then what would be our respect.. ..in the eyes ofour near and dear ones. and if we remain quiet theni shall die because of insult. sir, you are a lawyerso please give an answer. do justice. the one who served buttermilk to you is my younger sister. we had fixed her marriagein a very nice family. it was a very wealthy family.

i felt very happy that she is gettingmarried into a very nice family. but sadly i never triedto find that is there.. ..any place for my sisterin the heart of that boy. if an educated boyis sitting at home.. ..then we can eventhrow him out of the house. but if a married girl remainsin her parents' house after marriage.. ..then how can we throw her out. we throw dish if a fly fallsin a dish after it is prepared just think that it would be injusticeto get your daughter married..

..to a person who does not love her. look mr. veerapa, i am ready to pay forthe expenditure that has been done.. ..for your daughter's wedding thinkingit to be my daughter's wedding. you are trying to buythe dignity of thisveerapa. tell me, how much will you give. hey, get back, get back.. hey, this is used to cut plantsand trees and not human beings. if you want to cut anyonethen cut him. he has done everything. because of our daughterhe will dig our grave.

every member of thisfamily is very nice. that is why they madeyou sit and offered water. if we were there in his position thenwe would not have spared you at all. i am sorry sir. my sister's marriage could not take placeso my father said a little too much. forgive us if possible. why are you talking to them? they are far better people than us. look, it is wrong on our partto say that we will give you money.

we cannot get you backthe dignity that you have lost. but to keep the dignity we will get oursecond daughter married to your son. do you accept this proposal? seeing the conditionhere i don't think.. ..you will be able totake your aunt from here. it seems as if you havecome in their children's marriage. do something, boss. listen, chandu.. ..in dubai you werethrown out from job..

..because you saved thelife of your boss's wife. i thought about it many times. but today i got the answer. even if the person in front does manygood deeds we are not able to keep him. you can make a snake drinkmilk in jungle but if that snake.. ..comes home thenyou have to throw it out look, marriages are made in heaven. but that man got irritatedseeing you here.. ..so that you do not createany problem in marriage.

chandu, you are like a medicine. you save the life at the right time. but sadly every medicinehas an expiry date. i hope you understand. your grandfather's health is not good. his health is deterioratingsince morning. he is on oxygen. bhargava, you come back son. forget everything and come.

come back and meet yourgrandfather for the last time. at this moment more than grandfatherhis daughter is important. i had promised him thati will bring aunt back. till he does not see theface of his daughter he cannot die. he has to remain alive. tell him that, father. i will fulfill thepromise that i have made. just wait for me for few days. just tell him that much, father.

please, father. i want one more chance. just one more chance. it's me sister, veerapa. tell me, brother. tomorrow my brother's sonbhaskar will come to your house. he has been given the responsibilityfor the arrangements of the wedding. look, he is very dear to me. he should not have any problemso make arrangements in such a way.

his name is bhaskar. by just taking 2lakh rupees he wentto uganda and started doing farming. everyone does farming and get crops butalong with farming he found diamonds. from there, his luck changed. in just five years he becameowner of millions. - really. the strange thing is thathe wanted to win an oscar award. are the people who give mad?why will they give him the award? that is why he started bhaskar award. he made a movie and won the award.

what is the name of the movie? by getting inspired from 300 he namedhis movie 306 in which he is a hero. learn to use your words correctly,king liandis. or maybe these wordswould be your last words. this is injustice.no one kills the messenger of king. the message that youking has sent through is.. ..insulting for me and my people. you killed my public mercilessly. i will get back my kingdom.

i am the one who will kill him. this is madness. this is spot on. unfortunately he only playedthe role of the heroine of that movie. he spent so much to get that award. i wish my parents' were alivewhile i am taking this award. and they would have diedthe moment they saw this. every audience who saw the moviesaid that every scene is like diamond. to shoot the sceneshe sold all the diamonds.

and also gave somethingto win the award. i dedicate this award to my parents'. mother, father this is for you. swami, you do notknow one thing about him. before eloping he stole2lakhs from this house. he used to work inthis house in your place. so easily he brought me from there. another name for safety is chandu. thank you chandu.you are really one man army.

hey, don't praise him so much. he has not come after winning a war. why are you being so jealous? you will come to know whenhe will create fights between you two. from you anyone shouldlearn how to spoil a good mood. rukmini, control your angerand learn to have patience. now the house in which you are going.. ..to get married haveless people and more swords. why are you bothered?

tell me. oh! shall i marry person who makes mesit in his lap and tells me a story. now you must be thinkingthat how did i come to know. yesterday i gave thatnurse laxmi a good treatment. then he told me everything. do you know who thethief in my eyes is? you are the one. i liked you from day one. actors put glycerin in their eyes to crybut i feel like crying on seeing him.

i am just thinkinghow can i marry a driver. look at her.she is marrying an mba graduate. her children willgo to water kingdom.. ..and my children willgo to municipal garden. will you put the entire responsibilityon me after you lose your job? my heart beat increasesthe moment i come closer to you. and my hands and feet start shivering. look, they are shivering even now. i am wearing long skirtso that is why you cannot see.

i didn't want to tell you this. i may do anything but iwill never be able to get you. that is why i told you. i want to say something more.will you listen? come on close your ears. i love you. rest is my luck. whatever is writtenin my destiny will happen. boss.. - tell me.

there is good news. this house is made by my god. they have shed tears for me. hello everybody. how are you? i think no one has recognized me. have you put up the zip? is mine up? you are wearing a frock. how come he is here again?

he is my personal. till yesterday he was working here.he has just left the job. he improved after leaving your job. if he would left the country as i didthen he would have become a great man. i have passed my exams in first class. sweet is over so thatis why i have brought sugar. sugar. i already have it. take 2lakhs.

next time if you pass then iwill give party to the entire village. okay, sweety. take everything. sir. - yes. 2lakhs sir. 2lakhs. relax man. you had stolen 2lakhs from here so thatis why you were thrown out from here. i am not a laser ball thatwill bounce the moment you throw it. nor i am a plastic ballthat would not bounce when thrown.

i am ball. crazy ball. no one knows where it falls,goes after bouncing. i like music a lot. i like ladies a lot. everyone has their own choice.don't give it so much value. wow! your cheeks are so smooth. i use face wash. bhaskar sir is so naughty. - right. hey bhaskar, how are you?

sir, is this lady coming to snap you? before she snaps me i will hang her. how are you? i am fine. you know it has been so manydays since i last saw you bhaskar. i always missed you. - oh, really. whenever i used toget hick ups in uganda.. ..i thought thatyou would be missing me. from today my serial isgoing to start on friends channel.

don't forget to watch it. she is the sweet little girl whom iused to pick up in childhood and run. i am coming. i am just doing acting of running. nikita, you too do like this. i will clean it. hey bhaskar, how come you are here? greetings, madam. i have some importantwork so i will meet you later.

okay, madam. what is the matter, sir?why did you bend seeing her? some people have such power. you have to stand seeing them. some people are such thatyou don't feel anything seeing them. example is my wife. how are you, bhaskar? - sir. mr. veerapa came here.he was praising you a lot. oh really sir.

he was saying that you will bedoing all arrangements of the wedding. will you do it? - yes. what you can expect from you? some values. they think they really have values. if people of this house look at mewith such eyes then i will also leave.. ..no stone unturned to stopthe marriage and make them cry.. if you will not make them cry then.. i will make them cry.

but how. there is another young girlin this house. have you seen her? hey, you like her. i want her. then you will haveto meet a great man. priest..my right hand doesnot have faith on my left hand. after seeing you bothhave joined in such a way.. ..that they are notready to leave each other. you are great priest.

now stop your nonsense. people do not get water after diggingthe earth and you have found diamond. yes priest. what else do you wantmore than that, bhopla? cloth.. not cloth but bhopla.priest keeps travelling to bhopal. priest, a child iskissed to make him quiet. similarly make somearrangements for me also. tell me what is your desire.

i have come here to attend a wedding. the girl who is goingto get married is rukmini. i want you to stop thatmarriage from taking place. why do you want to stopthat marriage from taking place? the one whom she lovesa lot will get her, duryodhan. now he has come in mahabharat. who else can love her more than me?- no one can do it. and.. my mind is diamonds.

my currency is arrogance.future-glamour. all this should remain with me. whatever is yours will remain with youtill the end of your life, shakuni. this should be at that placeso that you get whatever you want. this tree. this is not a tree but life saver. this is knowledge tree. if everything goes well then i willuproot this tree and keep it on my head. and will water it so that it grows.

same wolf sound. how did priest become tarzan suddenly? what if elephantcomes here from jungle? good bye son. priest, first time in my life.. ..i am being so earnestto see the face of a person. you are that great man. for god sake please turn. show me your face and bless me.

do you have the power to see my face? yes, i have it priest. shall i turn? i will be highly obliged, priest. shall i show you? please show, priest. save me, save me.. take me out. hurry up. if you say lies then leaves will fall.the one who says lies will vomit blood.

hold this and i will check. i look like challenging star darshan. sir, the leaves have started falling. even i can see that.i am lover boy in uganda. not a single leaf fell. now your teeth will fall.i can see that. i am a hooligan, loafer, rascal, dog.. scratching dog, pig.. is this the truth?

do i have so many qualities? i know about what i spokebut do not know about others. answer me. why did you call me here?i don't love you. i hate you. what is happening in this house? what else is happening in this house? what happened, sir?- what has happened? seeing everyone with heads down..

..i felt everyone moveshere in system like police. but that is not the case. you don't want anyone to know this.. ..that is why you cheatershave made this scheme. this is not done.son of a loafer. what is he saying?- swami, what has happened to him? why don't you say it clearly?- why? what happened? the girls of this houseare kissing loafers openly. they sit hugging them tight.keep quiet.

i have seen them doing this nonsense. what happened? why did you stop? sorry, i was doing rehearsal.now you may go from here. i am sorry for the trouble.forgive my stupidity. was it wrong that they werehugging and kissing each other? hey. they were hugging and kissingeach other. my eyes cannot be cheated. i shall know the truth tonight. what is the name of your heroine, sir? ahilya, amaiki.

that means we will have tomake arrangements for two girls. ahilya, amaiki,are not two different girls. ahilya is amaiki. there is great twistin this title, sir. very good. just keep watching for the twiststhat you will see in screenplay. sir, what is the concept? gautam and ahilyawere husband and wife. indra eyed ahilya in a wrong way.

this is wrong, sir.- ahilya said that this is wrong. that is why indra made adangerous plan. - what did he do? look there. one day in routine gautam.. ..went for bath as soonas he heard cock-a doodle doo.. that sound of cock was indra's plan. not aware of it priestgautam went for a bath. and indra went to ahilya as gautam. naughty indra could not controlhimself seeing the beauty of ahilya.

indra started waking up ahilya whowas soundly sleeping by patting her. dear. - yes. didn't you go towardsthe river for bath? do you think i am such a fool that youare near me and i will go for a bath? saying this indra triesto hug ahilya tight. beautiful.. what is this? how did you comeso early as you had gone for a bath. i had forgotten to takethe soap so came back to take it. take the soap and go.do not return till it is over.

why? - you want to sit herealone with this girl and do romance. i am indra.i will do whatever i feel like doing. i am also the same. i am gautamand do what i feel like doing. how? what are you doing? listen. save me. what are you doing?hey, i am dead. what are you doing? hey, listen.. just one person hit me butwhy did i feel as if 10 people hit me. was his one fingerequivalent to one hand? i will have to changecasting to be safe.

casting change. no one is going according to script. everyone is doing whatthey feel like doing. to hell with such a script. dear, you did not go for a bath. dear, seeing you iam feeling love at heart. i want to drown in your eyes.give me five. hold my hand. hey, what is all this?

you had gone to riverso why didn't you drown. drown? there is famine everywhere. there is no water for washingand you are talking about drowning. don't you have any sense?- answer my question. if there is no water in riverthen why to trouble the wife. you have become old so whatwill you do of such a beautiful wife. leave her.get away from there. listen. not before getting young but aftergetting young she became my wife. correct. you are correcting me.

hello, i am gautam andi can do correction as i want. it is my wish. i am also indra. i can alsodo correction as i want. understood. i am dead. what is happening? no. i think i will haveto change everything. now i will become ahilya. what a beautiful back? everyone seems to see one place. dear, didn't yougo for swimming today?

dear, i don't feel like leavingyou alone among these devils. you have a great heart, cheater. dear. - my dear. who is it? oh god, stranger. - come, this side. dear, had you not gone for bathing? i had gone but had full doubton you so came back immediately. that means you will beat him.good, beat him hard. i will beat him later butfirst let me enquire from you.

tell me, from last 25 yearswe are living together as family then? i am the husband. but didn't you feel ashamedhaving fun with this stranger. in the darkness of night. in darkness. - i could not recognize. i shall make you recognize. very nicely i will do it. don't beat me. i am dead.

now i will become audience.to hell with this acting. now i will see how he will hit me. you cannot have faith on them. she is innocent but you very wellknow that we are husband and wife. will you hit me for her? she will hit you but before that i.. no, no. get up. come here. actually there is no fun hitting you.

what is it bhaskar? - yes dear. do you know what is going on here? i know it dear becausei have written the scene. is the one who is sittinghere husband of this girl? - no. then what should be done of you.tell me ahilya. whoever has come here isnot your husband but a thief, indra. instead of telling thisyou are sitting and watching. so you should be beaten up.- what do you mean? will you always beat me?

hey bhaskar, we will involve you inanything and beat you is my guarantee. everything that is wrongin this country is because of you. what are you looking at?come on beat him. madam, he has beaten me very badly. save me, madam. save me, madam.this man will kill me, madam. i am alone and they areeleven and all are beating me. save me, sir. i want to talk to you.

what if that bhaskarout of irritation.. ..cancels the weddingthen what will we do? you want saraswati butsaraswati prakash stays here. prakash can never beseparated from saraswati. and saraswati will never go with you. your grandfather reallymade me cry a lot. i had thought that i willremain happy here so i came here. please, don't make mecry again by coming here. go away from here.

really, you are looking very nice. these bangles arereally matching the sari. shall i see? - what is it child? you are still not ready. the groom's side must be ontheir way and you are still not ready. is this marriage acceptable to you? then don't insult mein front of the groom's family the alarm did not ring mother.why so many questions for that? okay, okay go and get ready quickly.

what to tell you dear? the doctor is not here soi have to do all the operations. the patient has come soi will call you later. okay. my mother speaks too much. take this. mother, rukmini is not in her room. her wedding outfitis also not to be seen. that means he hasrun away with chandu. how do you know this? he said i love youto chandu in front of me.

why didn't you tell us earlier? girls generally think thatthey will run away with their lover.. ..and lead a happy life. we had asked you to throw him out.. ..then why is he stillthere in this house. uncle, many things are going on herewhich only i know and no one else. everyone is blank that iswhy i am not able to join the link. if anyone of you completethe blanks then it would be better. tell me what all is going on here.

if you speak lies theni shall bury you under this tree. there is no need foryou to take the trouble. this tree does not like lies. the moment it hears liesits leaves start shedding. what do you mean by sayingthe leaves start falling? if the leaves fall then it will die. if it dies then i will also die. we both are like husband and wife. the only thing is that wehave not put the sacred thread.

uncle, i will tellyou whatever i know. keep the gun down. gun down. chandu, why are you so sad? your mother has askedme to leave the house. okay, then we will run away. where? shall we go to mumbai? okay. by train or by flight. we will come to know abouta hotel from travel desk.

why are the leaves falling, friend? i did not say any lies? the leaves that were fallingwere not because of your lies.. ..but by chandu'spressing this remote. why are you worried?there is no dearth of work in mumbai? many buildings aremade of interior designs. i will surely get ajob of interior designer. and you do the job of a driver. and we will live happily.

if we do not get anywork then we have this. we will sell this and get some money. if we have a childbefore the money finishes.. ..then we will sendits photo to parents'. then after seeing thephoto they will call us. what are your intentions? give me something in the name of god. give me ticket, sir. from where shall i give you ticket?

go there and get the ticket. believe me sir. listen to me and givethe ticket otherwise he will kill me. do you know how to read english? seeing the power of his punchi have remembered all languages. now you keep quiet. sir, flight is ready sir. the flight ticket is very expensive.we will go by train. there is no need of a ticket.he has his own plane. tiffin and breakfast also ready. - chandu.

no. - okay. is chandu a driver? after seeing this entire.. ..if you are asking me thisquestion then what should i say. boss, they all have come. in 15 minutes i want this station. how will all this happen so soon, sir? what is the problem in vacatingsuch a small railway station? passengers.- make alternative arrangements.

those who want to leaveearly give them flight tickets. send cars to placeswhere flights do not go. okay sir. - call the railway minister. make the station master understandand if he does not then threaten him. when needed if money is of no value.. ..then what is funof having so much money? the meeting that is goingto happen is very important, narayan. it is very important for meand i want the station at any cost. do you get it?

did you find no oneelse but my daughter? while asking for salaryyou must have thought that.. ..one day you will askmy daughter's hand for marriage. what is your status? were you running with a driver? leave him.i am asking you to leave him. look who has held whosehand and then speak, sir. you dare to argue with me.i will kill you. you asked your daughtera question that..

..how is she marryingan ordinary driver? then doesn't a millionaire havea right to ask if a simple lawyer.. ..has the statusto marry his daughter. you got married and wentdirectly to their house.. ..and declared to be husband and wife. how would he have felt? and today your daughter has justthought of running with a driver.. ..and you have lostcontrol of yourself, sir. you have aimed the gun onthe driver whom your daughter loves.

is this love sir? that man shot at a stranger.. ..who had got married to their onlydaughter so that was stupidity, sir. your love is loveand theirs is acting. yours is values and theirs is anger. if you call then it is pampering.. ..and if he calls then it is pride. i am nephew of the woman whom you madeyours and brought from that house. i am the son of a personwho has been living..

..in pain that sheleft them for someone else. a grandson of a sad andunhappy man who has even asked.. ..death to wait thinkingthat she would come back. so much wealth, thousands of workers.. ..and having many factorieshe is not at peace for a moment. just like an eclipsed moon. tell me what differencebetween the two is. today he has the gun inhis hand and that day he had it. that day he did something wrong..

..and today you aregoing to do something wrong. leave your daughter.let her come with me. whatever you aredoing today is right.. ..and whatever theydid that day was also right. let go of your anger now, aunt. come with me to your house. i am not saying thisto convince you, aunt. both of you are at fault in this. he realized his mistake that very day.

but why haven't you realizedyour mistake till now? that day when you had left the housethen everyone had seen your tears. everyone heard you crying. even if once you had turned and seen.. ..then you wouldn't havebeen separated for 25 years, aunt. sister.. don't stop me, brother.i will not file a case on your father. father, they are going. i am not bothered thatshe has broken my heart.

if a child dies at birththen the pain is less. but in anger i tried to kill her.. ..whom i have broughtup with so much love. now i don't want to live. father..please. - i am notworthy of being called a father. i should die. - control yourself.what are you doing? no..janki.. father has taught me to solveevery problem of life with love. one way is of loveand another is of hatred.

we have always been livingon the path of love, aunt. and you on the path of hatred. just walk on our path once, aunt. uncle got a bullet on his arm.. ..and because of thatyou left your house forever. my mother died at the hands of mygrandfather then what should i call him. years ago the chance to pick up thegun came and now it has come again. you are responsible for this. whether you did or grandfather did,have i ever shown hatred?

in childhood i held his fingerand in old age i am his support. today for him i came herefrom there and did a job of driver. i stood and served you for what, aunt? just once go in thathouse and knock at the door. you will find it open, aunt. then why are you doing like this? in childhood i got more love andattention from you than from my mother. you have forgotten this but not me. then you thought thatmy parents' are dead..

..and i am an orphanyou came from there. in your differences you did not becomeorphan aunt but i became orphan. if i cal mother then father comes. if i call aunt then grandfather comes. in childhood mother leftme and then you left me. i used to feel very angry on you. my entire childhood passedin thinking that you left me, aunt today the house in which we live.. ..the money we haveearned and the food we eat..

..there is part of you in everything.you have a right on everything. i am saying this from heart.. ..that i will not let anyshadow also fall on your shadow. let go of your anger, aunt. do us a favor. from last 25 years he is sayingsorry to you for the mistake he made. we have been saying sorry butour voice did not reach your ears. either forgive us.. .. or give us punishment.

at least accept that i am your own. please accept me. accept me, aunt. bhargava, make a call. i feel like talking to my father. it is not great to keepyour head up all the time. where it is necessaryto bow your head you should. prakash.. ..he is my brother's son.

he is my nephew. today a child found lap of a mother. he really is a big brother. he is not a big brotherbut he is karan. by calling him karanyou are praising him. he used me for my mother. he used you for mother butdid not use your mother for you. leave it now. hey, i will..

tell me why have you kidnapped me? we have not kidnapped youbut have been asked to do so. bhaskar.. did you get shock? you should get one. story can be yoursbut climax will be mine. he is not going toget scared from you.. ..or even if hundred likeyou come and threaten him. listen, if you keepa bomb in your pocket.. ..and sleep you stillhave chance to get up alive.

but if you mess up with himyou have no chance to live, bhaskar. i don't agree. some day or the otheryou have to agree to it dude. hey, whom are you talking with in loudvoice? i don't want to talk to you. american express cheque. cash has come to yourhouse like an airplane. escape.. maybe i lose one goldmine but i will not spare him. now some international news.

the government hasorder to have control.. ..on all private gold minesthat are running in uganda. what is this?- now the news in detail. they are showing a movie. i think it must be some sacred song. which channel have you put? which one? the music is of sacred songbut they have shot this song on it. you took me to thatfalse priest and cheated me. i agree that the priest was a cheater.

but just think he fulfilledyour three wishes. number 1. that marriage should not take place.- it did not take place. number 2 she will belong to the personwhom she loves a lot, duryodhan. today she is marrying him.number 3 my mines,diamonds, currency arrogance.. ..future and glamourshould always remain with me. whatever is yours..

..will always remain with youtill the end of your life, shakuni. sir after sellingall your properties.. ..and accounting forexpenses only 2lakh remain. according to me it is notright to make your grandson.. ..the ceo of such a big companyand give him this responsibility. only i have the right totake a decision for the company. because i have 60%share of this company. 40% sir. your daughter saraswatiis the holder of remaining 20%. but she has not come.

and she will never come. saraswati, i mean to say that.. i want to give thepost of ceo to bhargava. do you have anything to say? no. the devil is back.

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