heart attack food
i would find it… as a white personyou would like to try it yeah, but i’m a weird white person do i look a little more tanned? yep
just got back from a trip from italy you on the other handare still white as hell this video, ninais on 5 weird japanese food trendson social media
yeah, food, food, food… fooood ok, so let’s get into itnumber 1 avocado & ice cream a japanese food trend from 2015 that sounds delicious really? i think the texture would bevery weird yeah, think it’s a nice idea
you don’t think it’s weird? i don’t think it’s weird ok… they often add soy sauce ok, that’s a bit weird then that doesn’t look good to me no i mean these are peoplewho made it at home, so if a restaurant did itmaybe it would be more interesting
more appetising ok so that looks restaurant-y and they also put pears that could be alright oh, tomatoesok this is weird this looks an actual mealand they just chucked a bit of vanilla ice cream on top that’s gross right? tomatoes and ice cream
i think that is theperfect presentation a nice simple… oh, there you gothat’s super restaurant styles people comment on that? how they experienced itor their like ‘ewww’ oh, everyone loves it still not sure about the soy sauce i guess you could kind of reducethe soy sauce with a bit of sugar so it becomes a little bit morelike a sweet syrupy soy
and then that might be really nice but you wanna keep it healthy so… no you don’t it’s ice cream next, number 2raw frozen egg how does that work? this was a trend in late 2014 the process right you put the egg, raw egginside a bag, a ziplock bag
and then you put it in the freezer when it’s frozen, you take it out you leave it to kind of semi-thawand then you peel the egg and then you kind ofseparate the yolk from the white because you don’t wanna eat the white i think it’s just not that pleasantin that state marinate it in dashi,shaoxing wine and soy sauce for about 10 minutes or so and then you can eat it like that
looks so royal and some people eat it withsquid sashimi and sweet shrimps people who hate seafood, if they weren’talready grossed out by the egg itself like that would just...that would justlook disgusting to you right? this dish matches thejapanese palate pretty well yeah but i’m a weird white person i’m sure the texture would be… it would be slimy and softand gooey and... i would like maybe some crispiness
something like chips or… chips? or you combine with ice cream ok, let’s not ask you for advice ok number 3peaches & mozzarella that could work this is also in 2014 looks alright yeah, looks really nice
people might serve thatwith balsamic italian cuisine, this is very normal i would use pumpkinseed oilor something that would be delicious too so, most people would use olive oilin japan for this salt and pepper, mint oh it’s buffalo mozzarella by the way i feel like that would taste so yummy that’s pretty normal
this is probably to me the mostnormal thing on this list and everyone’s freaking outabout this dish everyone’s saying this isthe most delicious thing ever and even, you know ritz? ritz, the nabisco company it was so popular in japan it inspired a peach and mozzarellaritz biscuit flavour and then peaches arethey're peeled or anything? they’re peeledmost people in japan eat fruits peeled
that’s an asian thingi don’t know why do you peel everything? is that weird? yeah, i think that’s weird is it weird that asians peel fruit? i mean for some things i get it… that…that’s… we argue about this a lot he peels everythingyou peel really literally everything the apple is perfectly fine
yeah but it might be dirtyit might have bruises there i wanna get it off i feel like you would even peel grapesand stuff like that i do peel grapes oh god i do eat it with skin too yeah but… sometimes sometimes and i feelyou would be grossed out
you would be like ‘ewwwww’ oh, also another reason asians do itor some asians is because of the textureof the skin, you know it’s too chewy or tough anyway, looki see your point because i know it’s healthier right? there’s a lot of nutrients in the skin so i get that point because peoplehave said that to me i’m eating more and more skin lately
…that sounds gross ok, number 4 mosaic sushi there are different kinds of mosaic sushi but the one i’m gonna go over nowis mosaic block sushi so it’s pressed sushi squaresorganised into vibrant, tiled compositions so it’s like a mosaic in that sense you can use seaweed, raw fish,cucumber, egg and any other assorted delicacies
and it forms an entirely edible artwork so people have been doingtheir own creations their own designsand sharing it on social media so pretty and this food trend isi think it’s still happening i would make like a chessboard a chessboard? yeah what, caviar and squid sashimi?
or like, cross or something make like patterns… oh tic tac toe too simple, wouldn’t look good this one looks amazing whoa wonder how much that costs i don’t have an eyefor this kind of stuff i think you do
but... maybe not cause you saidtic tac toe here we go, number 5butter ping cuisine this got big in early 2015 it could be anyany food item and you just put butter on itand then you ‘ping’ it in the microwave and that’s it ping it you mean like… ping, that’s the sound
i guess it should be…i’m used to ching why you saying ching?it sounds so racist dude, it’s an onomatopoeia it’s nothing about racismwhat are you.. ching chong….like, what?... wrong video! this is not the racist asian slurs video as a european would say, bing oh bing, ok so there’s...
ping, ching and bing ah, and there’s also ding anyway, in order for this to countas butter ping cuisine you put butter on itthen you ping, ching, bing it in the microwaveto melt it oh potatoesthis is not weird in anyway udon so you just put it in the microwave and thenit will just be like butter udon that’s so unhealthy
look, even avocado microwaved avocado itself is disgusting apples and butter really negates the healthinessof the fruit right this is like a poor man’s tarte tatin ok, pancakes that would be obviously nice butter, oil, and mozzarella cheeseover onions that looks so throw…
throw-up-able yeah, throw-up-able oh what!? that’s just an onion what the… is this serious?someone ate this? someone said ‘i totally recommendeating a whole onion this way’ there you go, butter ping cuisineaka, heart attack food why would you do that?
people love butter! it’s like you can never havetoo much cheese, it’s the same concept i’m kinda curious about this onion one cause this person’s dead seriousthat it would taste good i would do that i’ll do that for a videoon our second channel, how about that would you watch me if i did that? ok damn, we said it now
a butter ping the butter ching bing oww… sorry that was too lowyou caught a bit of… something you weren’tsupposed to catch i feel like a lot of our videosend with slapping each other’s butts lately what’s happening there?
that’s our thing that’s our thing? now whenever i slap your butti’m gonna say ching ching, chong you’re so racist
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