heart attack symptoms for women
hi. i'm dr. adrian preston and i'm a cardiologist at cardiovascular specialists of central maryland. i specialize in non-invasive cardiology, women'sheart health, and nuclear cardiology. both men and women are at risk for coronary artery disease. men tend to have coronary artery disease a little bit younger than women. by age 65, the prevalence is equal in both.
heart attack symptoms for women, ther risk factors include hypertension high cholesterol smoking family history of early coronary arterydisease a sedentary lifestyle certainly obesitywill go along with that
diabetes non coronary atheroscleroticdisease including on abdominal in order to your dick disease renal artery stenosis inc rotted are disease and lastly chronic renal failure there are certainthings that we can do to really improve our heart hell andamerican heart association has actually come up with a mantra and a program to support that calledlife's simple 7 and things that we really ought to be
focusing on his number one moving movement this extreme or being active exercising yes its are so important number two eating well not eating a lot of junk foodnumber three is losing weight a lot of us areoverweight or obese and losing weight is part living healthily the other things we cando is control our blood pressure make take medications certainly
meter really work on that because that's a a silent disease and lotta times don't read it hasaggressively other things is controlling yourcholesterol absolutely with your diet as well assometimes medication stopping smoke extremely important reducing sugars your blood sugar is very important toreduce both risk a diabetes and heart disease
those are the simple seven steps i'll well the most important thing and i tell my patience is actually startthat is absolute hardest you don't have to go 100 percent in take baby steps and how to work on your life stylesgradually you don't have to quit all twentycigarettes reduce it to 10 %uh cigarettes per day will make a dramatic impact on
your heart hell in a positive way onpersevered you've got just keep at it even though you fail yougot it it back on the bandwagon and keep on doing it because the more youwalk the more you eat better more a a lifestyle and a habit that that itbecomes good another important thing you shouldremember about changing lifestyle is it doesn't have to cost money things like walking or running
is free walking your dog is pardo your routine thirty minute walk per day climbing stairs try and eat less salt act be very inexpensive impact andprobably i help you by decreasing your fast foodrestaurant intake and maybe cooking at home a little bitmore can do a tremendous amount of bomb help for you your fat intake and alsoyour sodium intake which will help your blood pressure well what i suggest our patience who have nosymptoms
but are worried about their heart healththis you should definitely see a doctor every year at least you should reallykeep an eye on your blood pressure one thing that'seasy to do and it's free and something you can dooutside at the doctors office
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